Custom field with Date type can be updated using Automation + Workaround proposal (custom code!)
The new Update custom field action, in Automation, can update text and number types fields, but can't update a date field.
This is probably due to the fact that it may be hard to convert a text string to a date, or at least, to recognize a date format in a text content.
A workaround could be to create a Custom code action (using JS, python, ...) : we could use variables (previous steps) as inputs, and process them to return a value (text or number or date).
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Hi! I would also need the ability to update date fields.
But for the Date variable, I would prefer use an "Ask agent" node, with structured output containing Date field (see attached picture).
Custom code would be nice for computing a certain Date (today, tommorow...).
But for that, you can actually use a 3rd service via API as a workaround.