Timer - can't set a timer iOS (countdown resets to 0)
Hi, in Taskade app on iOS 17.3.1. I can't set a timer countdown to any task. If I try to set a timer for 1hr, after a selection ((H:M:S) the time resets to 0. Tried to change iOS language settings - this does not affect the issue. I can send you a screen recording. Thanks for info on how to solve this. Petr
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John at Taskade
This has been resolved in the latest update for iOS, please check via taskade.com/downloads!
under review
Hi there, thank you for bringing this up to us, we are investigating the issue. My apologies for the inconvenience caused
ryantaskade Hi, I want to report that this issue seems to be fixed now in my app. Thank you!
John at Taskade
freshbros: Great to hear, thanks for the update! Do continue to send us your thoughts, feedback, and leave us a rating, review if you can to help spread the love.