I would like to make an RSS feed from the vendor promo emails I get. Like a central location that lets me scan over what I feel is more important. With the AI tools in Taskade, I could convert those emails into B2C marketing material. I would also like to create a spreadsheet within Taskade, that can be ported into an email.
Narek Zograbian
sade_howard: This makes sense. If this were in the form of an automation, where it can parse an email and then assign that to an agent—would that address your use case?
Narek Zograbian: Oh this would be cool too!
Narek Zograbian
sade_howard: Thank you for confirming!
Narek Zograbian
Hey Sade! When you say connect with Zoho mail, do you mean you want to handle your emails within Taskade?
What sort of integration would you like to see? Any clarification helps!