Manual Trigger Run Workflow
Like Zapier or, can there be just a simple "Manual Trigger" selection just to run the workflow manually? I feel like this has been brought up before, so I apologize if it has been addressed already.
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Narek Zograbian
Narek Zograbian
under review
Narek Zograbian
Where would you want to trigger this from? Also, what would it trigger on specifically? Do you have examples of this?
Narek Zograbian I thought I remembered it being a thing in Zapier, but can't find it anymore. I think there may had been a "manual" click option as the trigger, and then there would be a "Run" button next to each "zap' workflow that would instantly run the whole workflow (I think some users were saying Zapier just removed that feature recently, so they may have removed it for an intentional reason maybe). I know for Make, there's a "run once" button in Scenario too, but that's more for testing. Usually for testing workflows in the Taskade workflow automation canvas, it may be nice to have like a play button that one could click to "run" and test out the workflow.
But I actually just figured out how to trigger workflows instantly using webhooks and Agent Tools, so I think I already answered my question, so maybe this feature isn't that pressing anymore for me lol. Not sure what others think though, however.
But since we're on the topic, I guess other potential locations for triggers or buttons/clicks I can think of:
- In the Tables view of in Taskade Projects, maybe there could be an opportunity for a "button field" that allows users to click the button that triggers different automated workflows (ex: a "Button" column). Seems like it's being done with Zapier Tables.
- Utilize Chrome's right-click menu as a way to trigger automated workflows via the Taskade's Chrome Extension. Great example would be Bardeen's "Autobooks" feature (shown in snapshot). I found this really cool and very convenient to run automated browser scraping tasks. Just some food for thought I guess.
Thanks Narek!
Narek Zograbian
wthai27: So, you're looking for something like an Automation Button similar to Zapier and Notion. Where it's appended to a specific table and you can trigger a process on that specific row. Did I get that right?
Narek Zograbian Yes I believe so. I think it was Zapier Tables was the model I was envisioning in regards to applying workflow trigger buttons in table/spreadsheet format.
Narek Zograbian
wthai27: This is actually similar to how our Form's feature works right now. The only thing you're suggesting is to port it as a button into a project.