AI Agent Chat window is too small
When chatting with an agent, the window is too small.
The chat window is not making use of the full screen size, and when I try to "zoom in" (increase font size) it gets even smaller.
It would be nice to make use of the full window size when chatting. So much space is unused, it feels like the chat is just an overlay modal instead of a dedicated page.
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Narek Zograbian
You can choose the option to popout the Agent Chat and resize it however you like. You can also resize the current agent chat.
Also, the ability to "pop-out" the AI Chat into another window would let us utilize real estate on another monitor
Narek Zograbian
n8bar: Hey there! Does the new AI Agent sidebar help address your use case?
Narek Zograbian
Merged in a post:
Aumentar a tela da interface dos agentes IA
Please increase the screen size of the AI agents; currently, they are too small and narrow, which makes it difficult to read the agent's responses