Public API

Share your ideas and requests for the official Taskade API. Documentation available at
iOS custom URL scheme and support
I'd like to use DraftsApp (or other deeplink crafting) to add tasks, notes & ambiguous markdown to taskade. This is definitely a power user feature so I'd be okay with using long node_ids and a number of required querystring parameters Right now I'm aware taskade:// will open the app on iOS, iPad. My request is to include documentation on this for power users (with warning its likely to change if it's not a finalized or public API) for taskade://paths... and/or taskade://...?args... I could include in a querystring to construct a URI that would then add what I passed to it into taskade they be documented. If it doesn't exist beyond taskade:// being registered (to just open the app). Some thoughts I have which would be nifty are: create a project providing markdown in a querystring paramater as a blob (no limit to how much text a querystring can contain) taskade://new?markdown=... or with a specific title taskade://new?title=My%20Project&markdown=... or with tasks/bullets/paragraphs taskade://new?title=My%20Project&tasks=One%0ATwo%0AThird%20Task&bullets=One%0ATwo%0AThree&paragraphs=%0A%0AParagraph%20with%20two%20new%20lines%20above%20and%20below%0A%0A add task/bullets/paragraph/markdown as a child to a specific node_id with an optional querystring paramter to indicate whether it should be top or bottom (defaults to bottom if not present) taskade://add/<node_id>?top&tasks=One%0ATwo%0AThird%20Task&bullets=One%0ATwo%0AThree&paragraphs=%0A%0AParagraph%20with%20two%20new%20lines%20above%20and%20below%0A%0A add task/bullets/paragraph/markdown as a sibling(s) to a specific node_id , with an optional querystring parameter to indicate whether it should be above or below taskade://add/sibling/<node_id>?above&tasks=One%0ATwo%0AThird%20Task&bullets=One%0ATwo%0AThree&paragraphs=%0A%0AParagraph%20with%20two%20new%20lines%20above%20and%20below%0A%0A Adding things is sufficient enough for me, while I'm assuming if I provide a specific node_id I don't need to say which project/block_title it's under.
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